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In line of the Government announcements and updates since 27th March 2020, the health and safety of all of us is our absolute priority at the moment, and in keeping with our own postilion on the COVID-19, our manufacturing warehouse is operating however there will be delays with your orders and postage service at present and we will keep you updated on your orders to let you know the expected delivery date.

As we are Online Jewellery Boutique our website is still operating and we are here to assist you.

The website will guarantee a strong online shopping experience with full access into the world of Touch of Venus Jewellery designs and its many collections.


In light of the global outbreak of COVID-19, we are strictly adhering to the guidelines of the World Health Organization, we are following government regulations and recommendations in Ireland where we are based and we are following the guidelines from the governments and health authorities in the countries in terms of worldwide shipping we offer.


We will stay in touch through social platforms and emails but our main priority is that everyone stays healthy and safe in this difficult time.


​​​​If you have any questions please contact us at

We would like to thank you for your continued support and patience in this challenging time and wish you all good health.


Stay safe home.

Warmest wishes 

Touch of Venus Jewellery and Team